Peace Coffee, hosted by Pedmia Shatu Tita

Pedmia’s Meet up dubbed “Peace Coffee” hosted by Pedmia Shatu Tita
International Peace Day 2020
The “Peace Coffee” Zoom webinar organized by Global Initiative for Digital Inclusion and Communication GIDICom represented by Pedmia and Cameroon Community media Network represented by Ma Rose Akah in view of this year’s PeaceDay2020, celebrated Monday 21st September was hosted by Pedmia Shatu, GIDICom’s Executive Director.

Close to 40 participants attended the webinar. After an introductory/welcome note by Rose Obah, National Coordinator of the Cameroon Community Media Network CCMN, the first presentation was done by Kiven Franklin, Communication and Advocacy Officer

UNCHRD CA on The role of Community Media in shaping Peace through Reporting. Kiven stated clearly that the media must hold governments and authorities accountable, help authorities shape policies, engage in reports that will change perceptions.

Then came Mme Laura Tufon of the Justice and Peace Commission, Archdiocese of Bamenda whose presentation focused on The Role and Impact of Women in Peace Building, Looking at Resolution 1325 of the UN. She indicated that women are not weak, they have a place in mediation and in the
reconstruction process.

The third and last presentation was done by Ngala Desmond, Country Director of @DefyHateNow Cameroon on Hate Speech Mitigation/Violent Extremism Online and Offline. Ngala stressed on the need for information verification at all levels before publication.

The presentations ended with a question and answer session during which all worries were cleared. Attendees at the end of the session expressed great satisfaction with the lessons. They were assured of more to come in the near future.

The event was equally published on page 8 of the Advocate Newspaper dated Wednesday September
23 rd , 2020






#CCMN – Cameroon Community Media Network

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