Pedmia Shatu, Journalist

Pedmia Shatu, Journalist

Pedmia Shatu Tita is a Communication expert, Peace Journalist, Fact-Checker, Digital Rights activist with high interest in Advocacy on Gender related issues online. She holds a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of Buea and has been in service for 9 years.

Pedmia has passion for Human Rights Reporting particularly in the domain of Digital Rights. She is a member of the Digital Rights Coalition in Cameroon formed in 2017 following the over 93 day’s internet shutdown. She is the Founder for Global Initiative for Digital Inclusion and Communication with vision to see a safe space online, void of cyber mishaps and to bridge the digital divide.  She has attended several Human/Digital Rights trainings in and out of Cameroon. Pedmia has been able to train youths on peace building initiatives online and equally organized workshops to drill her colleagues on basic human Rights Principles, Fake news and Fact-Checking.

Pedmia was part of the first cohort of the FactsMatter237 Fellowship program organized by Defyhatenow a youth led organization aimed at countering hate, violent extremism online and offline and creating an atmosphere for Peace in and out of the internet world. After completion of the 3 months FactsMatter237 fellowship program, Pedmia amongst 6 other fellows were retained for the 2nd cohort which was now dubbed Africa Factchecking Fellowship – #AFFCameroon aimed at keeping journalists, bloggers up to date with current trends in information verification with the use of tools and other new techniques. Twitter: @pedmia_shatu

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