“I led one of the groups during my cohort and this enhanced my leadership skills”

Shatu Pedmia, #FactsMatter237 & #AFFCameroon Cohort 2 Fellow

“#AFFCameroon started as #FactsMatter237 until the need to make it favourable for the continent. I was privileged to be part of the first cohort and witnessed this transition. I came into #AFFCameroon with a journalist’s mindset but left transformed owing to the onsite sessions, social media health reports, fact-checking articles produced, spiced by the cream of facilitators we had from all over. 

This has not only shaped me as a person but seen me transform the lives of mid-term career journalists in training halls, particularly in my region and the country at large. Fact-checking would badly be mentioned in the North West Region without someone mentioning my name. It gives some comfort.

I led one of the groups during my cohort and this enhanced my leadership and networking qualities. Managing people from different backgrounds, ideologies & sentiments is not easy but through #AFFCameroon, I was able to navigate my way through. As #AFFCameroon proudly moves to its 6th Cohort hosting Northerners. My word for you: be determined, stay focused, come with an open mind and you will witness a transformational impact!”

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