“My key phrase anytime I want to report or share something now is #ThinkB4UClick”

Fongoh, #AFFCameroon Cohort 2 Fellow 

“My multiple training experiences with #defyhatenow have reshaped my reporting. Before, I used to think that as a journalist and in the name of “Freedom of Expression”, I could say or share any information that pleased me, just as I received it. 

My key phrase anytime I want to report or share something now is #ThinkB4UClick. With this guiding principle, I have not found myself again in the dragnet of the law, as in 2017 when I forwarded a text message to friends calling for ghost town and ended up in court. I was accused of propagating hate speech and inciting violence. 

Moreover, I have noticed a steady increase in the number of followers on my news Facebook page, Mbengwi Online with the pulling factor being my ability to publish factual news void of sentiments, with no ingredients of hate, praise singing or character assassination. 

It is often said that travelling is learning. I have been to many places, met many people and learnt new things thanks to the various #defyhatenow mentorship programs. Presently, I can quickly tell which (social media) information is fake or bears traces of hate.”

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