Tarhyang Tabe, Journalist/Blogger

Tarhyang Tabe, Journalist/Blogger

Tarhyang Enowbikah Tabe is a Journalist and Development Communicator with 20+ years of experience. He has worked with several news organs in Cameroon and is currently the Publisher/Chief Executive Officer of The Advocate Newspaper. He is also the National President of the Cameroon Association of Media Professionals (CAMP), a certified Trainer of Trainers on Human Rights Reporting, Peace and Conflict Transformation and leader of the United Nations Human Rights Reporters Network For Central Africa.

Recently he has participated in campaigns on the Protection and promotion of Digital Rights. Through CAMP, with support from Access Now, he produced the first ever Documentary on Africa’s Longest Internet Shut Down, titled “Blacked Out”. Tarhyang is also a member of the Ensemble Cameroun Digital Rights Movement and also the Cameroon Digital Rights Coalition. Tarhyang has fronted a series of Digital Rights Projects and Online Campaigns thanks to support from Internews.

With the Anglophone Crisis and Elections Wahala in Cameroon, Tarhyang has been involved in a series of trainings in the domain of Hate Speech and detecting as well as reporting Hate Speech and dangerous Language.He is a certified trainer on Anti Hate Speech responses, effective elections reporting in conflict and unfriendly environments for journalists. He is also a certified Fact-checker and Resident Consultant with the UNCHRD Central Africa. He was selected as a #defyhatenow, #FactsMatter237 Fellow and continues his training on fact-checking and Data Journalism as Team Lead under the new Africa Fact-checking Fellowship – #AFFCameroon. He holds a series of certifications from the United Nations OCHA and The United Nations Development Programme for Sustainable Development Goals and Humanitarian Reporting.

Twitter: @TarhyangE 

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