Tag Archives: #AFFCAlumniReactions

“After the training, my newsroom always request me to fact-check most information”

Regina, #AFFCameroon Cohort 2 Fellow  “It has been a great experience for me. Going through #AFFCameron has been a real transformation process.  Before the three months training, I have heard about misinformation, disinformation, fake news and fact-checking without knowing their differences and what they are all about.  With the training, I have gained skills on fact-checking. The training was a great opportunity for me to upgrade my skills in the fight against hate speech, misinformation and fake news online and within my community.   The

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“I can attest that I have become an ambassador of genuine information through online & offline media”

ABONGWA ACHU, #AFFCameroon Cohort 5 Fellow  “I have always been hearing of Fact checking, fake news, misinformation, disinformation and other terms associated with the social media era. Putting my fingers on the difference between one or the other or even measuring the impact of all these was not easy at first sight until when I was shortlisted for the 5th cohort of the Africa Fact-cheking fellowship, #AFFCameroon. When I enrolled in the Fellowship, it was 3 months that changed my entire perspective. From my consciousness,

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« Je traite désormais l’information autrement, avec une grande délicatesse ! »

Olivier Mokoudi, Boursier #AFFCameroon 5e Cohorte   « Lorsque je postulais pour la bourse #AFFCameroon, j’avais pour mission d’acquérir des rudiments pour détecter les mauvaises des bonnes informations. En tant que juriste de formation et blogueur dans l’exercice, je me sentais mal de partager les informations dont je ne connaissais pas la source, ni même la véracité.  Aussi, ma spécialisation, la culture et notamment le patrimoine constitue un domaine très sensible, appelé à travailler avec toutes les communautés du Cameroun et même d’ailleurs, il fallait évidemment trouver

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“The rich program content & well selected trainers made the program a huge success”

“Vianney, #AFFCameroon Cohort 4 Fellow” Being part of the #AFFCameroon Cohort 4 program was a life-changing experience for me. When I went through the program concept on the application portal, it outlined clear cut objectives that were the most needed in my line of work, so I had to apply without hesitation. The rich program content, well selected trainers and conducive learning environment made the program a huge success. Particularly, the program introduced a new approach in my work as it moulded my knowledge about

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Jean BESANE MANGAM est devenu , Monsieur fact-checking et anti-hate speech !

Jean Besane Mangam, Boursier #AFFCameroon 4e Cohorte « Lorsque je postulais pour la bourse #AFFCameroon, c’était dans un premier temps de découvrir et de comprendre en profondeur les notions de fact-checking et la lutte contre les discours haineux online et offline. Après l’organisation de mon tout premier Meetup avec certains animateurs des radios communautaires de la ville de Ngaoundéré, je suis devenu en quelques sortes un « expert ». A chaque fois que certains d’entre eux ont des informations douteuses et à caractère haineux, ils n’hésitent pas à

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” I now have this shield that guards me against fake news or hate speech”

Kiven Brenda, #AFFCameroon Cohort 4 Fellow “Before #AFFCameroon, I did not care about fake news and if I see someone propagating it, I just ignore it and move. I was also guilty of certain biases and used hate words, though not too much but it was there. I didn’t really take time to verify information before I forwarded and I clicked “like ” on a deep Fake without considering the fact that humour could sometimes be a gateway to hate speech.  After my #AFFCameroon experience,

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«Les boursiers de #AFFCameroon constituent désormais une communauté »

Marthe Ndiang, Boursière #AFFCameroon 4e Cohorte  « J’intègre le projet alors que je pratique depuis plusieurs mois le Fact-checking au sein de la rédaction de Data Cameroon où, grâce au travail quotidien, je rédige des articles de fact-checking. Mais le besoin de me former pour pouvoir pousser mes vérifications se fait sentir. Avec #AFFCameroon, l’occasion me sera donc donnée. Durant trois mois, je joins la théorie à la pratique. Je découvre certains outils dont je n’avais pas connaissance et beaucoup d’autres choses très pratiques pour faire

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“Am able to fact-check information and I now have a more critical and analytical mindset”

Shing Timothy, #AFFCameroon Cohort 3 Fellow Getting the opportunity to be trained on fact-checking and hate speech mitigation has greatly helped me as a journalist and a person. It has helped to professionalise my practice and my daily interactions, especially on social media. The training helped me to be able to fact-check information and to have a more critical and analytical mindset. It also gave me the opportunity to pursue more knowledge on the subject. The background in fact-checking with #defyhatenow helped me get a

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«Je me suis engagé à promouvoir la culture de la paix et le vivre ensemble »

Mahmoud Sabir, Boursier #AFFCameroon 3e Cohorte « Ce projet m’a permis d’ouvrir les yeux face aux montées des désinformations et le discours haineux dans la sphère digitale. Je me suis donc engagé à promouvoir la culture de la paix et le vivre ensemble au sein de ma communauté.  Après avoir passé trois mois de formation en ligne et en présentiel à Douala, j’ai acquis des nouvelles connaissances et expériences sur plusieurs techniques, parmi lesquelles la technique de recherche d’image inversée, qui m’ont été très utiles dans

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“I have also used the knowledge to develop a manual to train media practitioners”

Obah Rose, #AFFCameroon Cohort 3 Fellow “Thanks to #defyhatenow, I have upgraded my skills and learnt better ways to fight against misinformation, disinformation, mal-information and fake news. Before, I would never bother to weigh the consequences of these vices on the community and my credibility. Also, the Fellowship has enhanced my know-how on fact-checking through proper news treatment before publication. Thanks to the skills from the #AFFCameroon, I have trained many youths, men and women within and out of the media field on how to

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