Ngufack Ntemgwa

Ngufack Ntemgwa

Ngufack Ntemgwa is an experienced communicator with a passion for creating engaging content and effective campaigns with over four years of experience working for NGOs and corporations. she has a proven track record of success in developing and executing communication strategies that achieve business objectives. Ngufack is particularly interested in journalism fact-checking as a tool to promote social responsibility and combat hate speech in the media. Ngufack began her career in journalism, working for several newspapers before transitioning to managing social media pages and becoming a freelance writer. In these roles, she developed a keen eye for what makes content compelling and shareable. Beyond her professional accomplishments, she is also a dedicated mental health advocate. She brings a unique blend of communication expertise and passion for social impact to every project she undertakes. She believes the African Factchecking Fellowship is going to be an added advantage to her since she will learn more on fact checking and reducing the spread of fake news on social media platforms. 

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