Stephen Ojang

Stephen Ojang

Stephen Ojang (Cameroon) was born on July 27, 1979 in Mbakang. He attended his Primary Education at Ecole Publique de Ngaoundal Groupe 2 where he obtained his CEPE in 1993, then Lycée de Ngaoundal, St. Paul’s Bilingual Comprehensive College Nkwen Bamenda,

where he obtained his BEPC before proceeding to PCHS Mankon where he had his A/L in 2003. He obtained his Higher National Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication with a specialty in Print Journalism, in 2018 at Impact Polytechnic Kumbo. Stephen Ojang has nineteen years experience as a Journalist. He is currently the Officer in charge of Communication, Public Relations, Cooperation and Local Partnership at the Wum Council. He is also theMe nchum Correspondent of Christian Broadcasting Service, CBS Radio.He is a tutor of French and English Languages, Literature in both Languages in many colleges. He has been Editor-In-Chief at the

Ngoketunjia Community Radio, Stone FM Radio and Ndefcam Radio Bamenda.

Stephen Ojang is the current holder of the 2019 Peace Journalist Award for his radio program Peaceful Society on Farmer-Grazier Conflict, IDP for the Radio, pioneer participant at the International Course on Conflict Transformation and Peace building, ICCTP, Indonesia. He is passionate about editing, production, reading, traveling and playing basketball. He is the promoter of OJ SLIM MEDIA, which encompasses Ojslim blog (winner of an award for reporting on PSEA) ,OJ Production and OJ MULTIMEDIA CENTER.  Lately, he is one of the fellows of the #defyhatenow cohort 7 program that trains bloggers, content creators and journalists on fact checking, The African Fact-checking Fellowship. A program that will help him identify and report fake news, misinformation, disinformation online.

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